Tuesday 9 August 2011

Music video industry

Music videos go through three main stages. Planning, Filming and editing.

The planning stage involves the production team talking about what they want to happen in the video and how they are going to achieve this. They will create storyboards, make proof of concepts and make any more material that means that the filming team have a better understanding of how they want the music video to turn out. The publisher and artist will be very involved with this stage, giving out how they want the narrative to play out and when they want a specific thing to happen.

The filming stage involves them actually going out and filming the product. This will usually be completed in three bulk sessions over the course of a couple of days. They will usually shoot over the amount of footage that they need as if any mistakes are found they have spare footage they can use in the editing process. The artist will have little say here except if he sees a serious fault in the video. This is an example of how the producers take control of everything.

The editing is all the post production that takes place. So any effects, putting the music over the video and colour correction will be done here. This is the longest part of the process and the most tedious. Editors will sit at a screen fro hours making an effect perfect by moving lines just a few degrees. They will use high powered machines that cost thousands of pounds and will use industry standard software to create this effects. The artist will have little to no say with in this process.

There are 4 main companies that produce music videos.
There are two main places to find music videos, TV on music video channels and with the advent of streaming on demand, the internet. The internet allows people that would not be able to get on TV a chance as any person can upload there own content and share it with the world. TV is rapidly being overtaken by the internet as only the big names get on which means that a lot of undiscovered talent goes unnoticed.

The purpose of music videos are to provide a visual experience along with a song. This can be for any reason, such as allowing all of a persons sense to be used, or to provide a visual narrative to go along with the lyrics of the song. They also allow the video to be played on the TV, since it has a screen and nobody would want to watch blackness for 5 minutes. They also serve to get the image of the band out and to advertise them as a certain style or show off a certain thing they do such as what clothes they wear.

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