Saturday 6 August 2011

Andrew Goodwin's Theory

Andrew Goodwin wrote a book in 1992 highlighting some of the key points which go into making a music video. The summary of these points are;

-The relationship between the lyrics and visuals. This can be broken down into three main categories, illustration, amplifying and contradicting.

-The relationship between the visuals and the music. This can again be broken down into the three categories, illustrating, amplifying and contradicting.

-The genre signification and the iconography present within the video.

-Close ups of the vocalist are required.

-Voyeurism is especially common in music videos especially towards the female gender.

-Inter-textual references is also commonly used, as when audiences mange to get the text the video is referring to, they feel a sense of accomplishment.

1 comment:

  1. Good but you MUST back up each point with an example using visual pictures of embedded clips to show your understanding
