Sunday 14 August 2011


The props we will be using are as follows;

-Drum Kit
-Microphone x 2
-Amp- x 2
-Microphone speaker x 2
-Drug look-a-likes

Friday 12 August 2011

Analysis of 2 digipaks

Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Stadium arcadium
The stadium arcadium digipak contains two disks entitled Jupiter and mars with 28 tracks on costs £10, on average £3 more expensive than any other RHCP album. All 28 tracks are new and original and were meant to be only 13 tracks. The band ended up recording so many tracks that they put it into one massive cd and selling it off as a digipak. The huge marketing point they put out for this is the fact that is has an insane number of new songs on it and not just a few bonuses or greatest hits. The covers have the same theme to it as they feature the same blue tone throughout it and they use the images of Jupiter and mars frequently. They also try to keep to the same font style throughout as well.  They keep the same distinct colour scheme throughout. They have used red and blue to represent Mars and Jupiter respectively and have attributed this to the CD's so that it is easier to tell apart. They have also included a picture of the red and blue clashing together, almost as if they are fighting. This gives the impression that there is a lot of angry emotion involved in the making of this.

 Trivium - In waves
When Trivium released their newest album they released two versions. One which was a on one cd and the digipak version which contained bonus songs on a second cd. They really tried to push the bonus songs and were helped in the marketing department by the fact that the bonus songs were put onto a video game.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Equipment list

The equipment we are going to use is as follows:
-Camera x 2
-Tripod x 2
-Final Cut Express
-Adobe Photoshop
-Adobe Premier

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Conventions of music videos

Conventions of music videos are something that all music videos follow. For example the clothes used in the video will be reflective of the mood as well as the location. The story (if there is one) will usually follow the lyrics and the pace of the music video will follow the song. There is also a different set of conventions for each genre. For example in Metal the videos will usually be performance based, with sometime a narrative on the side. Hip Hop will feature no narrative and will usually just be a giant house party with some performance based material on the side. With the rock genre, which is the genre our song is from, we would used a mostly performance based video with a narrative on the side reflective of the lyrics and a mix of dark and light lighting when needed.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Music video industry

Music videos go through three main stages. Planning, Filming and editing.

The planning stage involves the production team talking about what they want to happen in the video and how they are going to achieve this. They will create storyboards, make proof of concepts and make any more material that means that the filming team have a better understanding of how they want the music video to turn out. The publisher and artist will be very involved with this stage, giving out how they want the narrative to play out and when they want a specific thing to happen.

The filming stage involves them actually going out and filming the product. This will usually be completed in three bulk sessions over the course of a couple of days. They will usually shoot over the amount of footage that they need as if any mistakes are found they have spare footage they can use in the editing process. The artist will have little say here except if he sees a serious fault in the video. This is an example of how the producers take control of everything.

The editing is all the post production that takes place. So any effects, putting the music over the video and colour correction will be done here. This is the longest part of the process and the most tedious. Editors will sit at a screen fro hours making an effect perfect by moving lines just a few degrees. They will use high powered machines that cost thousands of pounds and will use industry standard software to create this effects. The artist will have little to no say with in this process.

There are 4 main companies that produce music videos.
There are two main places to find music videos, TV on music video channels and with the advent of streaming on demand, the internet. The internet allows people that would not be able to get on TV a chance as any person can upload there own content and share it with the world. TV is rapidly being overtaken by the internet as only the big names get on which means that a lot of undiscovered talent goes unnoticed.

The purpose of music videos are to provide a visual experience along with a song. This can be for any reason, such as allowing all of a persons sense to be used, or to provide a visual narrative to go along with the lyrics of the song. They also allow the video to be played on the TV, since it has a screen and nobody would want to watch blackness for 5 minutes. They also serve to get the image of the band out and to advertise them as a certain style or show off a certain thing they do such as what clothes they wear.

Monday 8 August 2011


Intertextuality is the reference of one piece of text in another. For example, a program on TV may reference a serious book but in a funny way to entertain the audience. We are heavily influenced by Family Guy and as such will probably borrow some ideas from that series. This includes the plotlines of the shows and the cut away gags. If we are to make a video, which contains some form comedy, it would be useful to use intertextuality as it is a very powerful tool when creating humour.

An example of intertextuality is the advert for the family guy movies-

Sunday 7 August 2011

Categories of music videos

Performance based
These videos feature the band playing their song throughout most, if not all of the video. These videos are easier to do on a budget as they do not require major effects and can be shot in one location. These videos usually fall in to genres where instruments such as guitars are prevalent such as rock. A good example of this is Best of you by Foo Fighters.
Narrative based
These videos feature a story which is told through different clips. The story is usually based around the lyrics and usually involves actors playing the characters in the story. They are quite popular for use in movies and you will sometimes see scenes from the movie intersected into the music video. You can find them in most genres. Always by Bon Jovi is a prime example.
Concept based
This type of music video is based around one idea. They tend to be unusual compared to the other two types of music videos and have a particular style of editing that is used throughout the video. They are usually used in drum and bass videos. A perfect example is Monkey Drummer by Chris Cunningham and Aphex Twin.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Laura Mulvey’s analysis of music videos

Within the essay entitled “Visual pleasure and narrative cinema” Laura Mulvey addresses the issue of the objectification of women and how the audience is put into the position of a heterosexual man. She’s says in her essay, that the camera view will always look up and down a women as to see how attractive this is. This is very important as it directs what the audience thinks of it and how wide an audience you will get. To pursue a truly wide audience it would be prudent to be as gender neutral as possible by not objectifying females. It would also be hard within a rock video to see the objectifying of any gender, which is why my group have decided to go down a gender neutral route when making our video.

Andrew Goodwin's Theory

Andrew Goodwin wrote a book in 1992 highlighting some of the key points which go into making a music video. The summary of these points are;

-The relationship between the lyrics and visuals. This can be broken down into three main categories, illustration, amplifying and contradicting.

-The relationship between the visuals and the music. This can again be broken down into the three categories, illustrating, amplifying and contradicting.

-The genre signification and the iconography present within the video.

-Close ups of the vocalist are required.

-Voyeurism is especially common in music videos especially towards the female gender.

-Inter-textual references is also commonly used, as when audiences mange to get the text the video is referring to, they feel a sense of accomplishment.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Questionnaire for focus group

The aim of this questionnaire is to find out:
- What type of music videos people like
- Why they like them
- What they don't like about some music videos
- What they think of our ideas so far


Q: What style of music video to associate with the genre rock?


Q: What would expect to see in a rock music video?


Q: What is your favorite music video and why?


Q: When watching a music video, what are you more interested in, the video or the song.?


Q: What would you like to see in a music video?


Q: What setting do think is overused?


Q: What other aspects are overused


Wednesday 3 August 2011

Target audience

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Analysis of 3 music videos

Linkin Park – Breaking the habit The production team for this video have made this entire video animated. It is largely narrative based with many different stories going on with some performance based pieces on the end. The colour of this video is quite dark to represent the mood of the narrative as well as signify the genre of the song. There are mostly items which you would find in a typical home to represent the fact that these are ordinary people that are going through a difficult time in their life.. The band is represented as victims of events that have happened in their life. The connection is then made as it is clear to the audience that the band are singing about past events in their lives.You can clearly tell that this is a rock video because of the colour used and the fast paced performances given as well of the use of instruments and the dark emotions given within the performance parts.I think that it would make the audience think about events that have happened in their lives and within their friend’s lives.

Deftones – Diamond Eyes This video is almost entirely performance based with images representing the lyrics intersected in it. The genre is signified by theuse of instruments as well as a predominately dark color which is used. It uses a mixture of fast paced shots with slow paced shots to match the tempo of the song, such as the slower paced shots during the chorus and the fast paced shots in the verse. This video is quite dark with light from low levels focused on the band. This is to help represent the lyrics as well as the genre of the song and to bring some extra mood to the song. The items that you find in this are representative of the lyrics within the song and only show up when the appropriate lyric for that item appears. The band is not represented in any major way due to the lack of a narrative except for the performance, but you do not get an idea for there personality of anything that has happened in their lifes. You can tell that this is a rock video due to the lighting used and the pace of the shots with in it.

Rammstein – Amerika (embedding disabled by request)

This video contains both a narrative and also contains performance by the band. It uses all types of shots to help objectify one thing over another as to help back up its lyrics. The video is quite bright and uses lighting reminiscent of Hollywood which is what the are partly about. It uses items such as cheeseburgers that help to bring out the lyrics and get the point of them across to the audience which is backed up by the lyrics. The band is represented as Americans trying to solidify themselves into every aspect of the world which really helps to back up the lyrics as well as deliver a message to the world. You can tell that it’s a rock due to the lyrics used, the message it tries to deliver to the audience and the actions of the band. The performance parts in the video have a lot of angry emotions in them helping to signifiy that it is a rock video and it also helps to keep the video interesting.

Monday 1 August 2011

Copyright letter

Dear copyright holder, We are A-Level students that are in the process of creating a music video, this letter is a request for permission to use a track by the Foo Fighters called 'Wheels'. If you were to grant us permssion to use this track, we promise that it would only ever be used for educaitonal purposes, and the audience will be restricted to a minimum. This audience would only include our media studies teacher, media studies class and the OCR exam board moderator. The artist and the company would be fully recognised throughout all stages of pre production and post production. A copyright notice with wording supplied by you can be included in the records of the project, if this is required please send full details. We look forward to hearing from you soon,

 Scott Razzell Marcus Murdoch Stephen Withey Jack Porter